The keyword wiki for your digital transformation.


Legacy Systems: Navigating risks and how to effectively manage old systems.
What is a legacy system?
A legacy system is an old (but not necessarily obsolete) componen…

iPaaS: Cloud integration platforms explained.
What is iPaaS?
iPaaS stands for “Integration Platform as a Service” and refers to cloud-ba…

Understanding process automation and using it correctly
What is process automation?
Process automation usually refers to the software-supported au…

No-Code App Builder: Create applications with drag-and-drop
What are no-code app builders, and what are they used for?
No-code app builders are develo…

Shadow IT: Causes, risks and effective management
What is shadow IT, and what risks does it harbour?
Shadow IT refers to hardware or softwar…

No-Code: Programming without programming knowledge
What does no-code mean?
A no-code tool can refer to a platform or development environment …

API Architecture Explained for Non-Developers
API architecture provides the framework for API design and determines how an applicatio…

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) explained for Non-Developers
The Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) software development model allows organisations to…

API Management Explained for Non-Developers
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are programming interfaces that enable different…

Communication protocols explained for Non-Developers.
/*! elementor – v3.22.0 – 17-06-2024 */

REST-API explained for Non-Developers
A REST API (also RESTful API) is a programming interface (Application Programming Interfac…

E-Invoicing explained for Non-Developers.
E-invoicing, short for electronic invoicing, is the process of sending and receiving invoi…

Hybrid Cloud explained for Non-Developers
The word cloud has become an integral part of everyday language and is also more than comm…

Remote Work: Time and location-independent working explained
Remote work refers to working from a digital workplace outside of a traditional working en…

Collaboration – how Digital Collaboration succeeds.
Collaboration refers to the act of individuals, groups or companies working together to ac…

ERP-Systems explained for Non-Developers
An ERP system is software that companies use to centrally manage, control, and analyse the…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) explained for Non-Developers
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to algorithms that mimic human cognitive abilities for…

Communication Channels explained for Non-Developers.
Communication channels are essential for transferring data and are based on several protoc…